I'm still wondering why the heck Firefox in CentOS isn't good as it's M$ version.
Several drawbacks I noticed :
1. Flash object loads intermittently, needs to refresh site several times to load (including YouTube videos darn it).
2. Fonts used by Firefox is really bad, imo.
3. Firefox frequently hangs on some website.
So I searched for a better alternative browser for CentOS, Google Chrome isn't in the list (no available rpm's, there's a workaround but still ain't stable) neither Safari (doesn't support my OS but should be installed on Wine or on a Virtualbox) and Swiftfox (doesn't work either).
And I bumped to Opera which the browser I also used in my M$ desktop. So far, it's more stable than Firefox except I get some hiccups when playing video on certain websites (not including YouTube).
And the last thing I like about it is... more viewable window! (My Lenovo S10 really lacks workspace, that's why).

Too bad 10.51 full is not yet available on CentOS (only beta source).
Once you've installed it and didn't liked it, you can uninstall :
#yum erase opera
#rpm -e opera